Category | TeamName | Lap | Last Name | First Name |
The 3 Procrastinators |
1 | 0:38:58 | Morrison | Brenda |
2 | 0:55:22 | Morrison | Brenda |
3 | 1:08:16 | Curial | Rick |
4 | 1:18:15 | Webster | Art |
Total Team Time | The 3 | 4:00:51 |
Procrastinators |
Sterling's Silvers |
1 | 0:36:43 | Morris | Lenore |
2 | 0:49:42 | Robinson | Ian |
3 | 1:11:42 | Pattimore | John |
4 | 1:25:16 | Shoniker | Tim |
Total Team Time | Sterling's Silvers | 4:03:23 |
2 Chicks and a Couple of Pricks |
1 | 0:42:40 | Henderson | Beth |
2 | 0:54:59 | Harker | Brooke |
3 | 1:08:37 | Roske | Kelly |
4 | 1:22:28 | Small | John |
Total Team Time | 2 Chicks and a | 4:08:44 |
Couple of Pricks |
Spirit of the River |
1 | 0:37:35 | Flynn | Dermot |
2 | 1:05:43 | McKenna | Patricia |
3 | 1:16:42 | McFadyen | Ron |
4 | 1:34:20 | Harris | Paul |
Total Team Time | Spirit of the River | 4:34:20 |
Los Lobos del Norte |
1 | 0:41:56 | Preston | Hilary |
2 | 1:08:00 | Hart | Verna |
3 | 1:20:02 | Staffen | Ted |
4 | 1:25:40 | Lang | Dan |
Total Team Time | Los Lobos del | 4:35:38 |
Norte |
Sole Survivors |
1 | 0:52:31 | McLachlan | Mike |
2 | 1:11:10 | MacLeod | Lawna |
3 | 1:17:33 | McLachlan | Daniela |
4 | 1:24:30 | Lemke | Mathias |
Total Team Time | Sole Survivors | 4:45:44 |
Monday, August 05, 2002 | Page 3 of 5 |